Monday, November 30, 2009

My Definition Part 1

What is leadership anyway? Many definitions have been suggested over the past several decades. I have appreciated many of the concepts of leadership that I have discovered in various definitional perspectives on leadership. I have developed my own definition that I will unpack in the next several postings.

My Definition - Leadership is the dynamic, interactive process of creating, communicating, and transforming vision into realty

Leadership is a dynamic process. The dynamic aspects of leadership fall into many categories. Ideas are generated and exchanged within an effective leadership process. Ideas are exchanged, discussed, debated, analyzed, torn apart, re-assembled, and consolidated.

Individuals are involved in verbal, emotional and intellectual dynamics that add to the positive movements of leadership. Many individuals participate in the process of leadership – talking, laughing, crying, disagreeing, collaborating, defending, and sharing in a thousand different directions.

The many activities of leadership fluctuate as the process shifts from kinetic to potential back again. Various individuals used different methodologies to bring about change and thus produce impactful leadership. Management tends to design, organize, and maintain the productivity of an organization; but leadership pulls an organization toward change.

Even the organizational structure has a dynamic flavor when one considers the vast variety leadership settings: schools, small business, large corporations, and the mom and pop stores. Leadership is a dynamic process.

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