Saturday, December 4, 2010

Words are Powerful

The words of a leader are powerful. Some leaders like to bark out demands; others pontificate with impressive vocabularies and smooth syntax; others make their point in quiet personal conversations; while still others engage their cohorts in dialog & an exchange of ideas. But regardless of methodology, good leaders speak powerful words.

One of the easiest ways to discern a leader in a group of people is to observe who is listened to - not who talks the most - but which person draws the attention of others when he/she speaks. There is often a distinction between appointed leadership, which sometimes comes with a title, and genuine leadership, which comes because the leader earns it. The leader gains the ear of others by the way he/she treats people, by the passion he/she has for life, by the personal integrity he/she demonstrates day after day, by the reputation of honesty, transparency and humility that surrounds him/her, and by the forgiveness, mercy and understanding that greets those who have tried but failed at a task. The words of a leader are powerful.

Encouragement offered to a struggling employee can increase his/her determination and effort to a higher level. Recognition of a job well done and praise for a second-mile sacrifice can result in a deepened loyalty and greater job satisfaction. A tactful rebuke and a loving challenge can communicate collaboration and respect. A written note of appreciation, a voice mail of edification, and a card filled with thought of thanksgiving can all promote a culture of value and community. The words of a leader are powerful.

Criticism without solution is discouraging. A bad report shared behind the back without opportunity for defense is like a dagger of betrayal. Sarcastic retorts and snide comments just out of earshot of the true recipient divides the heart of an organization. Verbal explosions from the inner office, tirades of wrath from the king, and expressions of disappoint in presence of the group all rip apart the fibers that hold a team together. The words of a leader are powerful indeed.

Words are more than syllables; they are more than intelligible phrases; they are more than complete thoughts. Words are instruments for inspiration. Words are lyrics to magnificent choruses. Words are weapons of peace and swords of faith. Words are the bread we need for daily existence. Words are chocolate deserts that sooth the soul. Words are safety nets. Words are wings that allow others to fly. The words of a leader are powerful.

Careless words can lead to destruction. Cruel words can kill. Harsh words can cripple. Ugly words bring regret. Angry words produce anger.

The words of a leader can bring life or ruin it. Positive results or negative consequences are often the fruit of the same seed - words. We all use words - its how we use them that makes the difference.

Powerful Words graphic found at

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