Thursday, March 8, 2012

Leadership from Reality TV - TBL

The Biggest Loser is in week 10 of the new season; Survivor has aired four episodes; The Amazing Race has completed week three. Being the reality TV nut that I am, I have watched with eyes toward leadership. Let me share a few insights so far. This post – The Biggest Loser.

I have already posted a few times on this year's season of The Biggest Loser (season 13). But one of the Biggest Insights (or should I say Blunders) in the last few weeks falls on the head of one of the trainers, Bob. In week 7, one player from the black team (Daphne) became quite upset when her brother was voted off the ranch by his team (the red team). The next week, she found herself in a one-on-one competition with Conda, a vocal member of the red team and the major voice in eliminating her brother.

Bob, the coach of the black team, used these bad feelings to motivate his player (Daphne) to beat her counterpart (Conda). He not only acknowledged and encouraged her attitudes of revenge, he also fed the flames of her vendetta in every training session. Daphne's constant thought was to lose more weight than Conda so that she could rub it in her face when they both stood upon the scale. At the weigh-in, she accomplished her goal - she defeated Conda, forcing the black team to vote out one of their team members (they chose to send Roy home).

The next week - each member of both teams is faced with a temptation to eat sweets. The player who decides to eat the most calories, wins the opportunity to mix up the teams any way he/she chooses. Daphne see this as a way to control the game so she eats a large number of calories and manages to win the challenge. The realignment of the teams was supposed to be anonymous, but it did not take long for the players to figure out who made the changes.

Daphne chose to change only Conda and her brother. Conda moved from the red team to the black team and her brother, Jeremy, flipped from the black to the red team. I cannot understand Daphne's strategy other than an attempt to frustrate Conda and throw her exercise program off kilter with another trainer. Every member of both teams resented the changes and failed to see the rationale for the switch. In my opinion, it was just a continuation of Daphne's negative attitudes of revenge.

Then, Daphne is confronted and asked if she was the person to mixed up the teams. She denies her involvement and ends up adding lies to her misjudgment, resulting in her alienation even from her own team. At the end of the week, black lost the weigh-in and Daphne was unanimously voted off the ranch. Emotions were high and bad feelings prevailed. And, in my opinion, it all transpired because Bob did not address the destructive attitude of revenge in Daphne's thinking. Bob had lost the opportunity to bring healing into Daphne's experience two weeks earlier; and then had the lack of insight by blaming Daphne for “losing control of the situation” and “making poor choices.” Bob's lack of leadership as the trainer really backfired in the life of one of his followers.

Revenge is never appropriate for a leader. “Pay back” always results in self-destruction. Anger, that buries itself in a vendetta or grows deep with the roots of bitterness, will one day bring forth a harvest of words that will bleed with poison, wounds that will destroy the character of the embittered, emotional hardness that will calcify the heart, and spiritual drought that will not be satisfied. “Getting even” is never pleasing. “Striking back” ends up causing self-inflicted injuries that can be devastating to one's physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health.

Revenge is natural; forgiveness is supernatural......Getting even is man's way; blessing is God's way....Pay back is so much easier than restoration. Christ followers are called to supernatural responses as we die to our human nature and become alive to the power of God in our lives.

I Peter 3:9 “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you are called so that you may inherit a blessing.”

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