Monday, January 23, 2012

Leadership Gifts - Prophecy

The first gift listed by Paul in Romans 12 is the gift of prophecy. Many associate the Old Testament prophet with telling the future. And although the prophet’s message often foretold future events and projected God’s deliverance, the major role of the prophet was that of messenger. The prophet was the mouthpiece of God proclaiming the divine message. The prophetic outcry is best summarized by the phrase “Thus says the Lord.” The prophet’s mission was to deliver and declare the message of God to his people. His focus was not to make predictions nor play the role of fortune-teller. The words of the prophet were not filled with conjecture or chance but rather were statements of truth and warnings of reality.

With this context in mind the New Testament gift of prophecy is not a gift of future telling but rather a gift of forth-telling – proclaiming God’s message. Since the word of God is clearly proclaimed in the Bible, today’s gift of prophecy is the ability to explain the scriptures and bring people to a true application of the Word. Providing an accurate interpretation of the Bible and challenging people to personally apply that truth to their lives is a strong passion within the mindset of an individual with the gift of prophecy. He/she has sensitivity to right and wrong; has the ability to discern the motive and attitude of others; possesses a deep need to identify and define what is evil and inappropriate; is willing to confront unethical behavior and suffer for doing what is right.

A leader that is energized with the spiritual gift of prophecy usually has a desire to express his/her message verbally. Vision-casting (communicating one’s vision for the future with others) comes easily and the leader is able to be direct, frank, and persuasive in verbal communication. Because the leader with this spiritual gift sees so much of the world around him/her in black and white terms, he/she has little problem in making a decision – in fact he/she often makes quick judgments on observable evidence and quickly speaks his/her mind. This type of leader possesses a deep concern for the reputation of his/her ministry and integrity is of upmost importance – there needs to be outward evidences that demonstrate the core convictions of the organization. Injustice brings great angst to this leader and harshness is often the initial response to those who offend the code of expectations.

The leader who is gifted with prophecy is often a man/woman with great influence and words of boldness. This leader is willing to die on the battlefield of truth and loves to fight “back-to-back” with other loyal warriors. He/she enjoys being on the front line where the action is. He/she is wholeheartedly involved in the vision and mission of the organization. He/she is the brave knight that many people admire from afar and love to follow.

Because of the boldness of speech and the zeal for moral decision making, this kind of leader must be careful how he/she leads. Frank comments can often be interpreted as harsh, leaving wounds of offense and rejection. Quick judgments might be seen as intolerance toward the opinions of others; confrontation and enforcement of strict standards might be viewed as intimidation and can become great barriers to close personal relationships; and comments without tact can destroy morale (speak the truth in love – Eph 4:15).

A leader with the gift of prophecy must be careful not to cut a person off who has failed to live up to the high standards of the leader. Restoration and forgiveness are areas in which that this type of leader may have to work. Jumping to conclusions about the words, attitudes, and motives of others can force this leader into some unwise decisions. The sensitivity to right and wrong tends to pull this leader into negativity as he/she becomes problem focused and can develop a condemning attitude.

I believe that this spiritual gift is one of the most powerful gifts that a leader can possess. A passionate vision accompanied by bold verbal communication can produce mighty change. Followers enjoy alignment with a discerning leader who clearly defines right and wrong. A champion on a white horse attracts a loyal army. But such a leader can cause great harm; a misdirected cause… a strong word of tactless confrontation….the lashing out of confrontation without a desire for restoration… a coercive attitude, even in the name of truth…can greatly diminish the leader’s effectiveness.

Those with the gift of prophecy recognize your power and use it wisely. Raise the banner of truth and righteousness… but be sure that love and forgiveness are in the firm grip of your right hand.

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