Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Leadership Gifts - Encouraging

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us…if it is encouraging, let him encourage.” Romans 12:6, 7

The leader, motivated by the spiritual gift of encouragement, provides inspiration and solid advice for his/her followers. This kind of leader provides a powerful work environment filled with wise counsel and practical application leading to beneficial productivity. The leader-encourager loves precise steps of action and easy to understand processes. Philosophical theory and abstract thought drive this leader to distraction…they need information that includes practical application. Talk and discussion that does not lead to action items and a strategic plan seems like worthless dialog to the leader-encourager.

This powerful leader has a fantastic ability to see trials as a means to growth…. tribulation as the road to maturity….difficulties as the door to opportunity. The dark clouds of pessimism rarely rain on this leader’s parade. Rather, the leader-encourager has the ability to discover redeeming insights from every human experience; the events of any given day can be evaluated in the light of spiritual growth and maturity. Learning from failure, celebrating success, infusing the ordinary with the extraordinary, seeing the human problem through the eyes of a divine mystery allow the leader-encourager to inspire and motivate those who will listen with ears of discernment.

The leader-encourager has the gift of understanding God’s word in a way that applies directly to life. He/she not only understands the words of the Bible but also has great insights into how it applies to particular situations in our day-to-day experiece. The life of an individual, the life of the organization, and the life of the leader can all be seen in the light of biblical truth. This kind of leader is energized by his/her desire to see others act upon that truth as they grow toward maturity and deepen in their understanding of their ministry.

Not only does the leader-encourager view life in practical terms, he/she also has an ability to discern where a person finds themselves within their walk of maturity. This kind of leader has an urgency deep within to help people grow toward a healthy, balanced relationship with God and man. The leader can identify with people of different backgrounds and personalities. He/she is highly motivated to bring harmony and peace to work groups and teams within an organization. Collaboration and unity are concepts that drive this leader’s vision for the organization.

The leader-encourager needs to be mindful of potential pitfalls in his/her approach to leadership. One, he/she views problems in term of concrete steps of action; however some complex issues and situations might be oversimplified. What seems very simple to this leader might be more complex than his/her initial reaction. This kind of leader needs to listen carefully before jumping to an easy, simple solution. Two, the leader-encourager can become overconfident in a list of practical steps of action. If step two of a six step process is flawed, the entire solution falls apart. Evaluation, revision, adaptation and flexibility need to be a vital part of this leader’s practical vocabulary. Three, effective counseling and wise advice into the problems of others can lead to deep insights and personal sharing. The leader-encourager needs to be careful to maintain discretion and confidentiality. Sharing private illustration without permission, even with the goal of encouraging others is inappropriate and an abuse of this spiritual gift.

The leader-encourager generates high energy and powerful motivation in the life of an organization. With such dynamics comes great responsibility. Encouraging others can lead to great success and significant productivity. The leader-encourager makes an outstanding boss filled with practical steps for applying the mission of the organization to the action of the that institution. If you are a leader-encourager, let your light shine brightly in all that you do.

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